Atelier Coating

2023 closes in strong growth for companies led by Matteo Trombetta Cappellani

A year full of satisfaction and important milestones has closed for Metalcoat, Alusteel Coating, Alpine Anodizing and Aleu, companies recognized as a reference point in Europe in the production and marketing of prepainted aluminum and anodized aluminum, headed by President and CEO Matteo Trombetta Cappellani.

The companies’ aggregate turnover reached 65 million euros, which translates into an 18% growth over 2022.

The volumes produced also increased, with a 15 percent increase,” said Trombetta Cappellani. “This is despite the drop in the price of metals, especially aluminum, which touched one euro per kilo.”

A result achieved thanks to the huge investments put in place by the entire group, aimed at optimizing production, increasing sustainability and reducing waste and environmental impact, but also to the expansion of the range and production capacity.

In fact, the acquisition of the new plant in Ascoli Piceno goes in this direction: a transaction concluded by Metalcoat in September 2023, which allowed it to transform from a trading company to a production reality.

Thanks to an investment plan of 10 to 12 million euros over the next three years, with the consequent expansion of the production lines and the related new hires that will complement the employees already employed today in the Marche plant,” the Bergamo-based entrepreneur continues, “we will compete-we entirely Italian-with the multinationals in our sector.”

The new 110,000 m2 plant, in fact, represents one of the leading production facilities in the coil-coating scene, thanks to two electro-galvanizing and painting lines.

The latter has a production capacity of about 42,000 tons per year for aluminum laminates and 120,000 tons per year for carbon galvanized steel and stainless steel laminates, with a range of prepainted coils up to a width of 1,500 millimeters, with thicknesses from 0.25 to 3 millimeters.

“Today we can compete with the world’s leading aluminum players,” Trombetta Cappellani continues, “thanks to the coverage of new sectors and the possibility of being more competitive in those in which we already position ourselves as major players, such as home appliances, automotive and construction, especially for facade cladding. Already, a number of newly signed agreements with new partners in France and the United States go in this direction.”

Growth will also be driven by further investment in research and development to create increasingly cutting-edge products, in collaboration with suppliers, leading architectural firms, and the Milan Polytechnic.

“We invest about 450,000 euros a year in research, because for us this is a pivotal and indispensable point,” specifies Matteo Trombetta Cappellani. “We are reaping the benefits of this investment with the commercialization of innovative products, specifically concerning construction, which increasingly meet market needs, while maintaining high standards of quality and sustainability.”

By 2024, therefore, we expect a real breakthrough: our goal is a 35 percent growth, equivalent to a turnover of 85 million euros,” concludes the president and CEO of the four companies.


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