Atelier Coating


How can the world of aluminium help designers meet the growing demand for sustainable products and packaging? Matteo Trombetta Cappellani, president and CEO of Alusteel Coating, Alpine Anodizing, Metalcoat and Aleu Group, explains it.

“The market, but also the indications of national and international bodies, such as the sustainable development goals identified by the UN, require that industry move toward the production of goods and services with reduced environmental impact,” says Trombetta Cappellani. “In this sense, design plays a fundamental role, both in product innovation and process redefinition.”

This is also confirmed by data released by Fondazione Symbola, Deloitte Private and in the recent Design Economy 2023 report: 87.4% of the designers surveyed emphasize the importance of integrating the environmental aspect into design, with particular emphasis on durability (19.8%), recycling (17.2%) and disassembly (13.9%).

“Precisely in support of these specific technical demands, aluminium emerges as one of the winning answers,” explains Trombetta Cappellani. “Its durability is almost unlimited, and this is demonstrated by the fact that more than 75% of the aluminium ever produced is still in use today. It is easily disposed of and can be recycled over and over again, saving up to 95% of the energy required for primary production.”

The ductility of aluminium, moreover, makes it an easily applicable material in various industrial sectors, among which some of those driving the demand for ecodesign stand out: furniture (12.5% of total demand), food packaging (12.4%), building products (11.8%) and automotive (10.4%) [source Symbola Foundation, Deloitte Private, – Design Economy 2023].

The trend is therefore one that leads toward the creation of virtuous supply chains, which include companies that can guarantee quality and, at the same time, meet the client’s sustainability requirements, such as the selection of raw materials and the sustainability of pre-, intra- and post-production processes.

“Thanks to our wide range of products, we are able to respond to the design needs of our clients, who are increasingly oriented to the realization of avant-garde projects related to environmental sustainability,” Trombetta Cappellani concludes. “And, as always, we will be at their side in responding to market demands with customized, high-performance products.”

Download the complete range of products offered by Alusteel Coating here!


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