Atelier Coating

Certified excellence and sustainability

Metalcoat’s ongoing commitment to quality, safety and environmental sustainability is also reflected in production at the Ascoli Piceno plant and is attested by ISO 45001, 9001 and 14001 certifications.

ISO 45001 certification is a key recognition for occupational health and safety management systems. This international standard, developed to reduce risks and improve safety conditions for workers, testifies to the company’s focus on the well-being of its employees. By implementing safe and rigorous procedures, the company demonstrates that it operates in accordance with international best practices.

Achieving ISO 9001 certification is a confirmation of excellence in Metalcoat’s quality management systems. This globally recognized standard ensures that the company is able to provide products and services that meet customer expectations and adhere to strict quality criteria. Through optimized processes and a continuous improvement-oriented approach, Metalcoat demonstrates that it is a reliable, high-level partner in the metal industry.

ISO 14001 certification for environmental management systems is proof that the company takes effective measures to minimize the environmental impact of its activities. In fact, Metalcoat is committed to promoting environmentally friendly practices, reducing waste and optimizing the use of natural resources, thus contributing to the protection of the environment for future generations.

These three certifications are an essential milestone for Metalcoat, so they represent a starting point for further improvements.
The company continues to invest in innovation, training and advanced technologies to maintain the high standards that these recognitions require and always ensure a high quality of the products offered and a safe and sustainable working environment for all employees.


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