Atelier Coating

Metalcoat alongside Marcegaglia Foundation to support women’s empowerment

Metalcoat has made social commitment a pillar of its business, promoting the well-being of its employees and the territories in which it operates. Creating a work environment in which each person can express their full potential is at the heart of the company’s vision.

A clear example of this is the strong focus on gender equality.

Indeed, in an industry historically dominated by men, the company stands out for its significant female presence, thanks in part to the leadership of Chief Operating Officer Cinzia Zambetti.

This approach has not only social but also strategic significance: an inclusive work environment enriches the entire team and increases its competitiveness, becoming the key to sustainable and lasting success.

A corporate philosophy that fully embraces the commitment of partner Marcegaglia, which is at the forefront of supporting women’s empowerment through its Foundation, and is embodied in its support of the gala evening to be held on October 16 at the prestigious Banco BPM headquarters in Milan.

As main sponsor, Metalcoat will be an active part of this event that will feature institutional representatives and prominent figures from the business, social and cultural worlds.

Metalcoat is proud to be part of this movement for a future in which every individual, regardless of gender, can contribute to building a better world.

For more information about the Foundation’s projects, visit:

news MTC Fondazione Marcegaglia


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